Afrikka on vahvasti esillä, puhutaan sitten ilmastonmuutoksesta, köyhyydestä, korruptiosta tai kehitysavusta. Oma mielenkiinto mantereeseen on aikoinaan heränyt
One ja
DATA -organisaatioiden ansiosta.
Törmäsin itse lukufriikkinä mielenkiintoiseen listaan. Sen kun lukee läpi, ymmärtää miksi manner on keskustelujen keskipisteenä.
Africa by numbers55 Countries in Africa
24 African nations in the bottom 24 countries of the U.N. Human Development index, a measure of population well-being
119 Rank of the highest-rated sub-Saharan African country, Gabon, in the UNHD index
941m Population of Africa
6,500 Africans are dying every day from a preventable, treatable disease sub-Saharan Africa
1.7m Sub-Saharan Africans have been infected by HIV/AIDS in the last year
1.6m Sub-Saharan Africans died of AIDS last year
33.4% of the adult population in Swaziland has HIV/AIDS
$39.9bn of aid was given to Africa by developed countries in 2006
18 African countries have received total debt cancellation in the past five years
1.1m Sub-Saharan Africans, mainly children, die from malaria annually
3m insecticide-treated nets were given to Rwandan households in 2006 by the Global Fund
66% Drop in malaria-related deaths the following year
500,000 children in Mozambique have been vaccinated against tetanus, whooping cough and diphtheria with its debt savings
1000% Increase in Niger's teacher recruitment through foreign aid
20m more children are now going to school in Africa due to debt cancellation
(Compiled by Tom Templeton)
© Observer/Guardian, 2008.